
qdex assets are a collection of templates, interactions, objects, and controls that users can implement in their modules. Users are encouraged to copy and modify the code as they see fit. 

Objects include useful or common blocks of code that can be inserted into modules to explain concepts, emphasize ideas, or gain user feedback.

Step by Step Equation

This equation layout includes sections to insert lines of solution and corresponding explanations. The solution is initially hidden and a button is used to reveal the next line.

Block with Background

This object uses a colored block and title to emphasize a concept or idea.

Block with Border

This object uses a colored border and title to emphasize a concept or idea.

Case Study 1

This object is a layout option for displaying case studies, summary points and other similar content. It includes a section for a title and content.

Case Study 2

This object is a layout option for displaying case studies, summary points and other similar content. It includes a section for a title and content.

Feature Layout 1

This object organizes images and text into a 2x2 layout, with a text description directly below each image.

Feature Layout 2

This object organizes short text descriptions side-by- side with a line above and below the text, to separate it from the rest of the pages contents.

Feature Layout 3

This object organizes text into a numbered grid with a colored background that can be customized to fit your module.

Feature Layout 4

This object organizes text into numbered rows, each with a colored background that can be customized to fit your module.

Feature Layout 5

This object places thin bars of color next to text descriptions. The color of the bar can be customized to fit your module.

Feature Layout 6

This object organizes short text descriptions into boxes arranged side-by- side.

Image Slideshow

This feature uses a simulation to display an image for a set time interval before moving on to the next one. Once it cycles through all the images, it restarts the cycle at the first image.

Image Carousel with Text

This feature allows users to toggle through a set of images using buttons. The current image and the total number of images are displayed in text.

Image Carousel with Circles

This feature allows users to toggle through a set of images using buttons. The current image is tracked and displayed with a set of circles under the image. This object is recommended for smaller side sets with 10 or less images.

Q&A: Check Boxes with Text

This question layout uses check boxes to choose between four different text options.

Q&A: Check Boxes with Images

This question layout uses check boxes to choose between four different image options.

Q&A: Choice List

This question layout uses a qdex choiceList element to choose between multiple text options.

Q&A: Button Options (2x2)

This question layout uses buttons, arranged in a 2x2 pattern, to choose between four different text options.

Q&A: Button Options (1x4)

This question layout uses buttons, arranged in a 1x4 pattern, to choose between four different text options.

Q&A: Matching

This object uses buttons to create a matching question template that allows users to click and drop items into different placeholders. It includes a “Check” button for users to see how many items they correctly matched after completing the question.

Q&A: User input

This question layout uses a textField to allow users to enter their answer.

Q&A: User Input in Scientific Notation

This question layout uses two textFields to allow users to enter their answer in scientific notation.

Q&A: Choice List

This question layout uses a qdex choiceList element to choose between multiple text options.

Q&A: True or False

This question layout uses a qdex choiceList element to choose between true and false options.

Q&A: Fill in the Blank

This question layout uses textFields to allow users to enter fill in the blank answers.


This template uses a simulation to create a stopwatch. The stopwatch is controlled by two buttons, which can be used to stop, play, and reset the time.

Survey Template

This survey template allows the user to rate different categories using check boxes and then input additional feedback using a text field. The user responses are submitted through email to a pre-set email address.